School to School Support
All schools are on their own unique journey, but in joining our trust you will be on that journey as part of a family of schools who believe in supporting each other so that we become stronger.
Our approach to continued school improvement, or as we like to call it, School to School Support, centres on a discussion with you as to where you see your school against David Carter's 4 stage model of school improvement.
Our team will work with you to unpick the important contextual factors that made you select the stage you have and alongside your team, we will help identify strategies that will enable you to move to the next stage.
Remember that this is not a one-size model and you may highlight areas of your school e.g. curriculum coverage that sit at different stages to other areas. That is OK and our team will work with you to map out a supported route through to the next stage in a way that you will feel valued, supported and professionally challenged.
The system is simple. All schools are looking to make improvements in areas that fit their own context and we believe that our trust, as it continues to grow, can help every school to achieve this by using the fantastic resources and people that we have at our disposal.
Our School to School Support Team has significant experience in leadership at all levels and across a variety of settings. The team has trained coaches (level 5 and 7) and all the team have recently been through successful OFSTED inspections.
We are confident that the team can support you in any aspect of school life, so please get in touch to discuss this further.