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Networking and Collaboration


The Forest of Dean Trust is a collaborative and supportive Trust that enables schools to focus upon and discuss their curriculum, and its provision from nursery to KS5. Schools work collaboratively each half-term on a subject area, looking at the coverage of skills and content, and also the delivery of these subject areas. Subject Leads from all schools work together to discuss and present subjects in their school via learning walks and discussion of the curriculum. This is a non-judgemental process where the key outcome is a takeaway of new knowledge about a key stage different to their own, and also an understanding of what a child's educational journey is like within our Trust so that progress is positive, and continues regardless of changes in key stage, and/or school.

Collaboration not only includes the sharing of knowledge but also of pedagogy. What works in subject X? What teaching methods could be used throughout a child's educational journey with us? A high-quality curriculum alongside the delivery of high-quality pedagogy is pivotal for students within our Trust, and with our growing number of schools, this will only improve due to the greater number of opportunities to network and work together as a Trust.